
Grant Thornton Insurance Conference 2024

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What will you learn from the event:

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Please complete your details to register for our event

We invite you to join us at this year’s Insurance Conference to learn more about how firms in the insurance sector can navigate these transformational issues and take advantage of the opportunities they offer.

You'll get insight and guidance on future challenges of the insurance sector, the impact of the new Government, and innovation and AI.

Our keynote speakers and expert panels will cover:

Global outlook for the insurance sector
Insight on the key trends shaping the insurance industry.

Innovation & AI
Deep dive into advances in artificial intelligence and innovation, and their uses within the insurance sector.

Financial crime
Guidance on current data and impact of financial crime on the insurance industry.

The future of Regulation
A review of the direction Regulation is moving in and how to prepare.

Breakout sessions
We’ll break out into peer-to-peer sessions giving you the opportunity to have a more in-depth discussions with your peers on the various hot topics, challenges and opportunities.

Fast Facts


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106% growth since 2014/15


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Leisure and consumer


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Employs 55 people


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£8.2 million in growth capital raised


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Increased by 300%

Numbers game

Tax planning is a "numbers game". Below, we highlight some of the most notable numbers found in Grant Thornton's Year-end tax guide 2018: Public businesses. All these and more are described in detail in our guide


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106% growth since 2014/15


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106% growth since 2014/15


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Leisure and consumer


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106% growth since 2014/15


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Leisure and consumer


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Employs 55 people

Numbers game

Tax planning is a "numbers game". Below, we highlight some of the most notable numbers found in Grant Thornton's Year-end tax guide 2018: Public businesses. All these and more are described in detail in our guide


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106% growth since 2014/15


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106% growth since 2014/15


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Leisure and consumer


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106% growth since 2014/15


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Leisure and consumer


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Employs 55 people

Numbers game

Tax planning is a "numbers game". Below, we highlight some of the most notable numbers found in Grant Thornton's Year-end tax guide 2018: Public businesses. All these and more are described in detail in our guide


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106% growth since 2014/15


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106% growth since 2014/15


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Leisure and consumer


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106% growth since 2014/15


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Leisure and consumer


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Employs 55 people

Have the tax guide delivered to your inbox

The Tax Cuts and Job Act has been a boon to corporations. Our guide details the many ways your business can benefit from tax reform, as well as some surprising pitfalls to avoid.

What will you learn from the guide:

  • Why the corporate rate cut is only part of the picture
  • Why the corporate rate cut is only part of the picture
  • Why the corporate rate cut is only part of the picture

Have the tax guide delivered to your inbox

The Tax Cuts and Job Act has been a boon to corporations. Our guide details the many ways your business can benefit from tax reform, as well as some surprising pitfalls to avoid.

The Tax Cuts and Job Act has been a boon to corporations. Our guide details the many ways your business can benefit from tax reform, as well as some surprising pitfalls to avoid.

The Tax Cuts and Job Act has been a boon to corporations. Our guide details the many ways your business can benefit from tax reform, as well as some surprising pitfalls to avoid.

Numbers game

Tax planning is a "numbers game". Below, we highlight some of the most notable numbers found in Grant Thornton's Year-end tax guide 2018: Public businesses. All these and more are described in detail in our guide

How are other organisations preparing for Brexit?

Read about the five stages of brexit preparation - ranging from those who have done no planning to those who have executed contingency plans.

Related contacts


Alan Dale


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