
Expression of Interest Form – Supply Chain Development Programme

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To benefit from the exciting support opportunity please register your interest by completing the required fields below. This will enable us to keep you informed on the programme and provide you with the next steps to apply.

An exciting new programme funded by the Ministry of Defence to provide business improvement support to UK based Small and Medium enterprises and Mid-tier suppliers in the defence sector supply chain.

To benefit from the support opportunity please register your interest by completing the required fields below. This will enable us to keep you informed on the programme and provide you with the next steps to apply.

Background to programme

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) is committed to support the development of a more productive and competitive UK defence sector. As a result, the MOD has launched the Defence Supplier Capability Development Programme (DSCDP) to provide business improvement support for SMEs and mid-tier suppliers in the defence sector supply chain.

The programme will offer UK based suppliers growing in the sector up to £200,000 worth of customised support over the course of a year, tailored to their specific developmental requirements. This support will be funded by the MOD, with companies being required to demonstrate matched resource commitment through the time they spend on improvement activities.

The support will be based on an initial diagnostic assessment conducted to evaluate each organisation’s capabilities and needs, ensuring that every business receives the appropriate assistance to address their unique requirements. This will lead on to a tailored package of support delivered by a range of experts in each critical area that participants need to develop.

The programme aims to:

  • Support the development of a more productive and competitive UK defence sector by providing improvement support to UK based defence suppliers.
  • Improve productivity and competitiveness of UK defence supply chains
  • Increase domestic resilience and improve companies’ ability to win export opportunities.

The Defence Supplier Capability Development Programme is managed by Grant Thornton UK LLP on behalf of the MOD.

Fast Facts


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106% growth since 2014/15


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Leisure and consumer


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Employs 55 people


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£8.2 million in growth capital raised


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Increased by 300%

Numbers game


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106% growth since 2014/15


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106% growth since 2014/15


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Leisure and consumer


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106% growth since 2014/15


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Leisure and consumer


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Employs 55 people

Numbers game


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106% growth since 2014/15


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106% growth since 2014/15


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Leisure and consumer


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106% growth since 2014/15


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Leisure and consumer


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Employs 55 people

Numbers game


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106% growth since 2014/15


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106% growth since 2014/15


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Leisure and consumer


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106% growth since 2014/15


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Leisure and consumer


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Employs 55 people

Numbers game

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Alan Dale


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